
LingoKev Profile Picture

Hey, I’m Kev from LingoKev!

I like to learn new languages and immerse myself in new cultures. I’ve created this blog to share content about my personal language learning journey as well as reflect upon curiosities I encounter along the way.

A quick background on me: I’m an ABC (American-born Chinese) from the USA, however, I’ve moved around quite a bit throughout my life. As a result, I’ve experienced both the good and the bad of growing up as a third-culture kid.

A strong theme throughout my life has been my ever-changing relationship with culture, language, and identity. All the different places from both my childhood and adulthood have shaped me into who I am today. These experiences have also, coincidentally, fostered my insatiable fascination with foreign languages.

What will you see in this blog?

Here on this blog, you will hear about my ponderings about all things language and culture.

Some topics you may encounter include:

  • Language Learning Tips / Reflections
  • Study Resources
  • Living Abroad
  • Travel
  • Linguistic Curiosities

Some of these blog posts will take the form of informative articles exploring a particular facet of a foreign language or giving advice on how to learn a language.

Others, on the other hand, may have a more personal touch as I reflect upon language learning and living abroad.

The best way to browse the blog is to view the blog posts by Category so you can find all of the content that most interest you.

Where else can you find me?

I also create various types of language learning videos on my LingoKev YouTube channel, some of which I will reference in the blog from time to time. I maintain the channel as a hobby for whenever I feel inspired to film. There’s some content that I post there that don’t exist on the blog so feel free to check it out if you are curious!

A final note about the blog…

I’m excited to watch this blog grow and evolve. I’m still quite in the early stages of building up the framework of the website. If you are reading this now, please bear in mind that I may be experimenting both with the structure of the blog and the variety of content that I will share.

If you’re ready to start browsing some content, I recommend you browse the library of posts by Category.

Thanks again for joining me on this adventure!


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